
Mayıs, 2018 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor


HOW TO REMOVE 20 POUNDS OF TOXIC WASTE FROM YOUR COLON – RECIPE. Do you take proper care of your colon? If not, it’s high time you do something to ensure this important part of your body functions properly. Colon is part of the digestive system, and as the founder of Body Ecology, Donna Gates, explains, maintaining a healthy colon and digestive system means maintaining an optimal health and well-being.  As a matter of fact, each of your cells and tissues, as well as the main detox organ in the human’s body – the liver, rely on a healthy colon. More exactly, having a healthy colon would enable proper elimination of all toxins from your body.  The colon receives all waste products from the blood, throat, liver, lungs, sinuses, and lymph system. Also, it has to deal with any undigested fecal matter by removing it from the body. But, it can also receive some leftover nutrients like vitamins, electrolytes, and water from digested foods, which can be brought ba...

What Kind of Woman Are You According To the Month In Which You Are Born?

JANUARY Ladies that are born in January are remarkably ambitious, but rather serious and conservative. Women born in this month are prone to be very critical, yet they don’t want to talk about their own feelings. They let to approach them only people that are on the same intellectual level with them and that share the same views on life.. FEBRUARY February females are very romantic, and you need to treat them with patience. Not every person can understand them, due to their changing mood. These women have a slightly abstract way of thinking. You need to know that if you betray them, you are never going to see them again. MARCH Women born in March have strong charisma and charm. They are very loyal and dedicated. These ladies are hard to fall in love. They are also very cute until you upset them.  But, to live with a person that is born in March is a real pleasure. APRIL April-born females are diplomats and they can interact quite easily with every person. At time...